I see a great deal of clients as yet adhering to Magento 1.x because of reasons like solace, the vulnerability of the new Magento variant and lingering. Here’s a definite examination of Magento 1 versus Magento 2 as far as

  • Architecture
  • Speed & Performance
  • Extensions
  • Dashboard
  • SEO & Security
  • Pricing

Magento 2 is discharged 10 years after Magento 1 to address numerous inadequacies of the E-business stage. In spite of the fact that there are some center issues with M2 that are yet to be settled, I feel this is the correct time to move to Magento 2 stage on account of the triumphant highlights it gives over Magento 1.

1. Architectural differences

The primary issue with Magento 1 is the store execution which has been essentially enhanced in Magento 2. The Magento group has changed the stack inconceivably by including different new advances eminently – Apache, Composer, Symfony, Nginx 1.7 or more prominent.

Remarkable Architecture contrasts are:

  1. Magento 2 underpins most recent PHP variants. These adaptations incorporate security upgrades that influence store’s speed.
  2. Decrease in superfluous program’s tasks on the customer’s side due to packaged and limited JavaScript.
  3. The better program storing for static substance.
           Magento 1Magento 2
Apache 2.xApache 2.2 / 2.4
Nginx 1.7 or greater
PHP 5.2.x – 5.5.xPHP 5.6.x / 7.0.2 / 7.0.6
MySQLMySQL / MySQL Percona 5.6.x or greater
Varnish 3.x / 4.x
Redis 2.x / 3.x or Memcached 1.4.x
Solr (Only for EE)Solr 4.x
JQuery (In latest themes)JQuery
RequireJS / Knockout.js
Zend Framework 1Zend Framework 1 / 2
PSR – 0 / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4


2. Speed & Performance

Magento 2 offers quicker page stack speed when contrasted with Magento 1. On account of full-page reserving Magento has offered in both Community and in addition Enterprise Edition.

3. Extensions

Clashing Extensions: There are a considerable measure of outsider expansions accessible in the market for Magento 1. Be that as it may, the issue was the expansion clashes when at least two augmentations endeavor to modify a similar usefulness. This issue was settled physically which costs time and endeavors.

With Magento 2, modules enabled code to cover center code instead of supersede it.

Less expensive expansions: Installing and refreshing new augmentations has turned out to be less demanding and less expensive. The way toward introducing expansions and alteration of usefulness is less demanding a result of the new innovation (HTML5, CSS3, Require.js) presented in Magento 2.

4. Dashboard

The administrator board in Magento 2 is easy to use and natural. It permits discovering data effortlessly, explores to all parts of the administrator board and deals with your store all the more effectively.

Magento 2 has a far reaching dashboard that shows lifetime deals, last requests, normal requests, top pursuit terms, income impose, check hits and clients, transportation, and amount. which screens the present condition of your business.

5. SEO & Security

There are rich scraps on the index pages that enhance output in SERPs.

The reinforced hashing calculations (SHA-256) for passwords. This has made passwords more grounded to the word reference kinds of assaults.

6. Pricing

In spite of the fact that the adaptations of the network versions of Magento are allowed to download. Be that as it may, there’s a distinction in the valuing of EE of Magento 1 and Magento 2.

Magento EE permit cost: begins at $18,000 yearly

Magento 2 EE permit cost: begins at $22,000 yearly