Ikodes Technology

Creat POST Method Controller in Magento 2.3

In Magento 2.3, a POST method controller can be created by implementing Magento\Framework\App\Action\HttpPostActionInterface.
But If we have lots of POST controllers in our Module, then there will need to implement this Interface in all Controllers.
So, In this article, we will explain to you an easy and efficient way to create POST controllers in Magento 2.3.
Firstly, create an ApiController Class, which is implementing \Magento\Framework\App\CsrfAwareActionInterface and in this class, we have implemented two methods named as createCsrfValidationException and validateForCsrf.


namespace Vendor\Module\Controller;

use Magento\Framework\Controller\ResultFactory;
use Magento\Framework\App\RequestInterface;
use Magento\Framework\App\Request\InvalidRequestException;

abstract class ApiController extends \Magento\Framework\App\Action\Action implements \Magento\Framework\App\CsrfAwareActionInterface
protected $_helper;

public function __construct(\Magento\Framework\App\Action\Context $context ) {
/** * @inheritDoc */
public function createCsrfValidationException( RequestInterface $request ): ? InvalidRequestException {
return null;
/** * @inheritDoc */
public function validateForCsrf(RequestInterface $request): ?bool {
return true;


Then, we extend the ApiController class in our POST/GET method controllers.

namespace Vendor\Module\Controller\Contact;
class Post extends \Vendor\Module\Controller\ApiController {
  public function execute() {     // write your code here  } }

In Magento 2.3, a POST method controller can be created by implementing Magento\Framework\App\Action\HttpPostActionInterface. But If we have lots of POST controllers in our Module, then there will need to implement this Interface in all Controllers. So, In this article, we will explain to you an easy and efficient way to create POST controllers in Magento 2.3. […]

How to Get Configurable Product Price Range in Magento 2

Hello everybody, couple of days back I got a prerequisite in which I have to show the Price Range of Configurable Product. I figured I should get all the related items and after that get the Minimum Price and Maximum Price. After some exploration in Magento Configurable Product Module I got a major lead. Fortunately Magento gives the strategy to getting the Minimum and Maximum Price. In this Post we will perceive how we can get the Range in layout record.

In your module structure make a format document catalog_product_view_type_configurable.xml, for my situation the record way is application/code/Ikodes/PriceRange/see/base/design/catalog_product_view_type_configurable.xml

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<page xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="urn:magento:framework:View/Layout/etc/page_configuration.xsd">
        <referenceBlock name="product.info.price">
            <block class="Magento\ConfigurableProduct\Block\Product\View\Type\Configurable" name="wk.info.pricerange"  template="Webkul_PriceRange::product/price_range.phtml" />

Now, we will create template file price_range.phtml at
path app/code/Ikodes/PriceRangeCustomisation/view/base/templates/

$currentProduct = $this->getProduct();
$regularPrice = $currentProduct->getPriceInfo()->getPrice('regular_price');
<div class='price-box'>
    <span class="price">
            echo $regularPrice->getMinRegularAmount().'-'.$regularPrice->getMaxRegularAmount();

Likewise, the strategies getMinRegularAmount() and getMaxRegularAmount() restores the cost of In Stock related items as it were. For further investigation the technique definition you can allude to the record


Hello everybody, couple of days back I got a prerequisite in which I have to show the Price Range of Configurable Product. I figured I should get all the related items and after that get the Minimum Price and Maximum Price. After some exploration in Magento Configurable Product Module I got a major lead. Fortunately […]

extend jQuery widget in magento 2.x

Extend jQuery widget in magento 2: In this blog we will see how we can extend magento jQuery widget. We can extend jQuery widgets by using mixins.

In java script mixin is a class whose methods are added to, or mixed in, with another class.

In order to extend jQuery widget first we need to declare a mixin in requirejs-config.js file like below.

var config = {
    config: {
        mixins: {
            'Vendor_ParentModule/js/super': {
                'Vendor_ChildModule/js/child': true

Now for example parent widget(Vendor_ParentModule/js/super) is like below
], function ($) {
    "use strict";
    $.widget("mage.customWidget", {
        _create: function() {
        foo: function() {
            console.log("ikodes class");
    return $.mage.customWidget;
Then in child widget(Vendor_ChildModule/js/child) we can override it’s method like below
], function ($) {
    'use strict';
    var widgetMixin = {
        foo: function() {
            console.log("do your stuff...");

            return this._super(); // parent method will be called by _super()
    return function (parentWidget) {
        $.widget('mage.customWidget', parentWidget, widgetMixin);
        return $.mage.customWidget;


Extend jQuery widget in magento 2: In this blog we will see how we can extend magento jQuery widget. We can extend jQuery widgets by using mixins. In java script mixin is a class whose methods are added to, or mixed in, with another class. In order to extend jQuery widget first we need to […]

Top 10 Laravel Packages in 2021

In a limited capacity to focus time, Laravel has surprised the PHP people group, and it hasn’t been eased back down since its presentation. This is the motivation behind why Laravel needn’t bother with any kind of presentation, as it is perceived as one of the quickest going backend structures for 2020 also. I love this PHP based structure more than some other system as it makes the cycle of programming advancement so simpler executing, modules, bundles, modules, and parts. I’m composing this blog entry to get you through the best bundles for Laravel in 2020. I have chosen to compose this blog in 2 distinct parts. Partially 1, I will make reference to the best 10 Laravel bundles, and to some extent 2, we will examine the leftover Laravel bundles.

So what precisely are the Laravel bundles?

Bundles are one of the incredible approaches to speed up web application advancement and save your important time from the monotonous assignment of composing the code without any preparation as it tends to be openly reused anyplace in the code. Laravel has distinctive various types of bundles; some of them independent – Behat and Carbon are the best instances of such pages as it very well may be unreservedly utilized with every one of the systems mentioning COMPOSER.JS record. In a layman’s term, Laravel Packages, otherwise called laravel modules, are prepared to utilize the composed content that you can fitting and play into your application whenever it might suit you. Laravel’s bundles merit extraordinary consideration since they do limit the code as well as improve the application’s viability.

How to introduce Laravel bundle?

Laravel bundles can be partitioned into two fundamental classes, Laravel explicit bundles, and system autonomous bundles. Laravel explicit bundles solely work with Laravel structure just, though system free bundles likewise work with other PHP based systems. Cycle of Installing Composer Package in Laravel Composer for Laravel is the thing that NPM is to JavaScript. With regards to introducing the bundle or module, its direct cycle Write a one-line code in the composer.json document, and your task is finished on the grounds that the arranger naturally pulls its bundle from packagelist.org. To introduce the Laravel bundle, the linguistic structure for introducing the order line goes this way;

arranger require packageowner/packagename

Utilize the underneath order, to bring the refreshed bundle

php craftsman update

To utilize the introduced bundle, launch another item

$package = new Package;

On the off chance that the bundle is namespaced;

$package = new PackageNamespace\Package;

To guarantee approve at merchant/author/autoload_* documents. You can likewise guarantee it from the fundamental bundle source document.

vendor/vendorName/packageName/[src or lib or whatever]/Package.php

Top Laravel Packages

We should view the best Laravel bundles to upgrade the exhibition of your Laravel application.


1. Laravel Debugbar
Laravel Debugbar One of my favorite Laravel packages is Debugbar that I mostly use to audit the code. It adds a dev toolbar to display exceptions, debug messages, routes, open views, and DB queries for the application. It will also show the rendered templates and parameters that you have passed. Usage: Add using the Façade and PSR-3 levels
Debugbar::warning(‘Watch out…’);
Debugbar::addMessage(‘Another message’, ‘mylabel’);

And start/stop timing:
Debugbar::startMeasure(‘render’,’Time for rendering’);
Debugbar::addMeasure(‘now’, LARAVEL_START, microtime(true));
Debugbar::measure(‘My long operation’, function() {
// Do something…

2. Entrust
This package comes handy when it comes to add role-based permissions in your Laravel 5 application. Entrust devides into 4 different categories: Store role records, store permission records, to store relation between roles and users and to store various relations between roles and permission.

$admin = new Role();
$admin->name = ‘admin’;
$admin->display_name = ‘User Administrator’; // optional
$admin->description = ‘User is allowed to manage and edit other users’; // optional
Next, assign them to the user.
$user = User::where(‘username’, ‘=’, ‘michele’)->first();

// role attach alias
$user->attachRole($admin); // parameter can be an Role object, array, or id

// or eloquent’s original technique
$user->roles()->attach($admin->id); // id only
Add role-based permissions:
$createPost = new Permission();
$createPost->name = ‘create-post’;
$createPost->display_name = ‘Create Posts’; // optional
// Allow a user to…
$createPost->description = ‘create new blog posts’; // optional

$editUser = new Permission();
$editUser->name = ‘edit-user’;
$editUser->display_name = ‘Edit Users’; // optional
// Allow a user to…
$editUser->description = ‘edit existing users’; // optional

// equivalent to $admin->perms()->sync(array($createPost->id));

$owner->attachPermissions(array($createPost, $editUser));
// equivalent to $owner->perms()->sync(array($createPost->id, $editUser->id))

3. Sentry
I am pretty sure that you are familiar with the Laravel error tracking service. Sentry has its own Laravel integration. For any unexpected error you will receive an email outlining what’s wrong with ongoing app. To inspect entire block of code and track group errors, its convenient feature for dashboard. Sentry

4. Bugsnag
Bugsnag To manage the expectations and monitor the errors, it is another cross-platform tool. Just like the Sentry, it offers fully customizable filtering and reporting. Instead of email, you will receive notification through Slack and Pagerduty.

5. Socialite
Socialite One of the simplest and easiest way to handle OAuth authentication. Where users can sign in with the help of most popular social networks like Facebook, Gmail, Twitter, BigBucket, and GitHub.

< ?php
namespace App\Http\Controllers\Auth;
use App\Http\Controllers\Controller;
use Socialite;
class LoginController extends Controller
* Redirect the user to the GitHub authentication page.
* @return \Illuminate\Http\Response
public function redirectToProvider()
return Socialite::driver(‘github’)->redirect();
* Obtain the user information from GitHub.
* @return \Illuminate\Http\Response
public function handleProviderCallback()
$user = Socialite::driver(‘github’)->user();
// $user->token;

6. Laravel Mix
Laravel Mix Laravel Mix is known as Laravel Elixir, widely used to create an interactive API for webpack-build steps for your project. This tool is commonly used for optimizing and compiling assets in Laravel application similar to the gulp and Grant.
Install Laravel
Run npm install
Visit your webpack.mix.js file, and get started!

7. Eloquent-Sluggable
The purpose of this package is to provide unique slug – a simplified version of string – that eliminates ampersands, accented letters, and spaces converting it into one case, and this package aims to make users happier with automatic and minimal configuration.
use Cviebrock\EloquentSluggable\Sluggable;

class Post extends Model
use Sluggable;

* Return the sluggable configuration array for this model.
* @return array
public function sluggable()
return [
‘slug’ => [
‘source’ => ‘title’

8. Laravel Heyman
Laravel Heyman Laravel Heyman lets you validate, authenticate and authorize rest of your application’s code.
< ?xml version=”1.0″ encoding=”UTF-8″? >

< phpunit backupGlobals=”false”










< testsuites >

< testsuite name=”Package Test Suite” >

< directory suffix=”.php”>./tests/< /directory >

< /testsuite >

< /testsuites >

< PHP >

< env name=”APP_ENV” value=”testing”/ >

< env name=”CACHE_DRIVER” value=”array”/ >

< env name=”SESSION_DRIVER” value=”array”/ >

< /php >

< logging >

< log type=”coverage-clover” target=”/tmp/coverage.xml”/ >

< /logging >

< filter >
< whitelist addUncoveredFilesFromWhitelist=”true” >

< directory suffix=”.php” >./src< /directory >

< /whitelist >
< /filter >
< /phpunit >

9. Laravel Charts
laravel chart Charts is a PHP Laravel library to handle unlimited combinations of the charts. It is specifically designed to be loaded over AJAX and can be used without any external efforts. Laravel charts package makes use of simple API to create JS logic for your web application. Installation:
composer require consoletvs/charts:6.*

10. Laravel Form Builder
Laravel form builder is inspired by Symfony’s form builder to create forms that can be easily modified and reused at our convenience. This package provides external support for Bootstrap3. To install: Via Composer
composer require ycs77/laravel-form-builder-bs4
Publish config & templates
php artisan vendor:publish –tag=laravel-form-builder-bs4
Or publish horizontal form
php artisan vendor:publish –tag=laravel-form-builder-bs4-horizontal

In a limited capacity to focus time, Laravel has surprised the PHP people group, and it hasn’t been eased back down since its presentation. This is the motivation behind why Laravel needn’t bother with any kind of presentation, as it is perceived as one of the quickest going backend structures for 2020 also. I love […]

Web based business Technology Trends That Will Shape The Future

Innovation governs the world. With time and headway, it causes the business area to take on the progressions to remain ahead in the throat-cut serious world. Internet business innovation patterns essentially affect web based shopping. It will keep on having the impact of new innovation, new buyer requests, and the consistent shift from work area to cell phones.

Regardless of whether you have been in the internet business for around years or you will begin a web-based retail business presently, guarantee that you have knowledge of these five key web based business innovation drifts that will shape the eventual fate of this industry:

1. Versatile is on Move
Portable isn’t the eventual fate of the web based business world, it’s the current at this point. As time passes, the quantity of cell phone clients is rising, and the job of cell phones in web based business traffic is getting urgent, as clients in an enormous number are utilizing cell phones for internet shopping. The quantity of cell phone clients for internet shopping has crossed the greater part of the total populace. The work area actually is the essential strategy for clients for their internet business shopping. Nonetheless, it won’t keep going long, as worldwide patterns in the online business area unveil that cell phones will be the essential innovation used to discover, direct examination, and purchase merchandise/administrations.

More or less, cell phone clients will be the focal point of your business activities. Portable improvement affects the position of your internet based store on any web crawler, and versatility is currently an unmistakable variable in the positioning calculation. You can fathom it with one model that 40% of cell phone clients will search for a contender in the wake of having an awful encounter.

2. Portable Wallet and App
Just improving your web based business for mobiles isn’t adequate at this point. You really want to coordinate the usefulness of a portable wallet into your business site. Plus, you should ponder the dispatch of a portable application for your web-based business. An easy to understand portable application is one of the fundamental innovation patterns for online business in 2019. As the quantity of internet shopping clients is rising, the purchasers understand the benefits and add the security of utilizing a versatile wallet for the installment of their web based shopping. It implies that your portable benefactors hope to utilize a wallet to give a last touch to their web based shopping. Coordinating a versatile wallet into your online business will build your deals.

It is more advantageous for customers to buy internet utilizing a versatile application, as it gives a more spellbinding air for them. Your portable application resembles a departmental store while the site resembles a spring up shop.

3. Voice Search
In the flow world, we have countless remote helpers like Google Voice Search, Amazon Alexa, Cortana, Viv, Google Home, and Siri. These remote helpers have been preparing clients to utilize their voice for their pursuit on web search tools. With time, voice search will be one of the huge advancement drivers for web based business. Google has denoted that over 20% of cell phone inquiries depend on voice. In addition, over 40% of millenarians do their quests by means of a voice associate.

You can term voice search innovation as a pivotal advance to guarantee clients’ steadfastness. The utilization of AI (computerized reasoning) is intended for fathoming the hunt inquiry well and serving the clients with the most fitting replies/results.

4. Item Customization
The significance of permitting customization of the item is expanding, and it is becoming one of the vital parts in the web based business world. Also, item customization is one of the arising innovation patterns for the web based business too. As item customization makes clients’ buys advantageous, it can possibly eliminate the problems of online buys and takes into account the requirements of the present purchasers.

Computerization is assuming a critical part in the customization of items/administrations. For example, YouTube offers a suggested video playlist according to the conduct of a client. The help gets more redone for the clients with their use designs.

A few unique organizations across the globe are utilizing a similar interaction. From the decision of diversion, garments, furniture to outfitting, item customization has become more one than a pattern. Organizations are redoing the items to make their clients’ buys advantageous and agreeable for them.

5. ROPO/ROBO will rise
ROPO (Research Online, Purchase Offline) or ROBO (Research Online, Buy Offline) has been a critical pattern throughout the previous few years. Be that as it may, it can’t be taken as the development of the web based business world. It very well may be considered the zenith of the internet shopping advances of the last decade.

With ROBO or ROPO, clients think that it is more helpful to look for items/administrations at the best plausible costs. Then again, ROPO helps web based business entrepreneurs to follow their disconnected transformations.

As an entrepreneur, you really want to fortify your computerized advertising procedures around the pattern of ROBO. Upheld by a few measurements and strategies, for example, CRM, purchaser shopping history, versatile installment, and social coordination, you can exclusively satisfy the need of ROBO customers.

Aside from the patterns referenced above, patterns like membership based administrations, item representation, expanded and augmented reality, reception of large information and investigation, and outsourcing are the ones that will change the online business world.

Innovation governs the world. With time and headway, it causes the business area to take on the progressions to remain ahead in the throat-cut serious world. Internet business innovation patterns essentially affect web based shopping. It will keep on having the impact of new innovation, new buyer requests, and the consistent shift from work area […]

New Web Technologies Every Web Developer Must Know in 2019

Web development comes with a huge set of rules and techniques every website developer should know about. If you want a website to look and function as you wish them to, you need to get familiar with web technologies that will help you achieve your goal.

Developing an app or a website typically comes down to knowing 3 main languages: JavaScript, CSS, and HTML. And while it sounds quite complicated, once you know what you are doing, understanding web technology and the way it works becomes significantly easier.

We present you with an introduction to web technologies and the latest web technologies list hoping it will make things at least a bit easier for you. Now, let’s take a look.

What is Web Technology?

You have presumably heard the expression “web advancement advances” previously, yet did you ever consider what it really implies?

Since computer can’t speak with one another the manner in which individuals do, they require codes. Web innovations are the markup dialects and sight and sound bundles PCs use to convey.

1. Browsers

Browsers demand data and after that they show us in the manner we can get it. Consider them the mediators of the web. Here are the most well known ones: Google Chrome – Currently, the most famous program brought to you by Google Safari – Apple’s internet browser

Firefox – Open-source program bolstered by the Mozilla Foundation Internet Explorer – Microsoft’s program

2. HTML and CSS

HTML is the one of the one you ought to adapt first. On account of HTML, the internet browsers recognize what to demonstrate once they get the solicitation. In the event that you need to more readily see how HTML functions, you likewise need to recognize what CSS is. CSS represents Cascading Style Sheets and it portrays how HTML components are to be shown on the screen. In case you’re a finished amateur, this Essential HTML and CSS preparing by James Williamson will push you to rapidly begin with these innovations.

3. Web Development Frameworks

Web improvement systems are a beginning stage of things that a designer can use to abstain from doing the straightforward or ordinary assignments, and rather get ideal to work.

Precise is one of the most recent web innovations planned explicitly for creating dynamic web applications. With this system, you can undoubtedly make front-end based applications without expecting to utilize different structures or modules.

The highlights incorporate well-made layouts, MVC design, code age, code parting and so on. Every one of the articulations resemble code scraps that encased inside wavy supports and don’t utilize any circles or restrictive proclamations.

In the event that you might want to begin utilizing Angular or to simply rapidly assess if this structure would be the correct answer for your activities, you can look at this 3-hour preparing, distributed in June 2019 by Justin Schwartzenberger, a Google Developer Expert. This course covers everything that is important to begin utilizing Angular, from fundamental design, work with DOM, information official, steering, and parts, to further developed themes, for example, orders and pipes.

– Ruby on Rails

Ruby on Rails is a server-side site innovation that makes application improvement a lot simpler and quicker. What truly separates this structure is the reusability of the code just as some other cool highlights that will enable you to take care of business in a matter of seconds.


Yii is an open-source web application advancement structure worked in PHP5. It is execution streamlined and accompanies various incredible instruments for investigating and application testing. Another in addition to is that it is really basic and simple to utilize.

Meteor JS

Meteor JS is written in Node.js and it makes it feasible for you to make constant web applications for various stages. The structure for making straightforward sites for individual use truly stand apart with Meteor JS. This is an open-source isomorphic JavaScript web system which likewise implies that the site page stacking time is essentially shorter. JavaScript stack additionally makes it conceivable to get similar outcomes with less lines of code than as a rule. This online video course gives a fascinating down to earth case of consolidating MeteorJS and React to construct a web application.


Created in Node.js, Express.js is a web application improvement organize that is extraordinary for the individuals who need to create applications and APIs as quick as could be expected under the circumstances. A ton of incredible highlights are given the assistance of modules. This course gives a decent knowledge into cutting edge use of Express.js in blend with MongoDB and Mongoose and shows various methods for conveying an Express application and running it underway.

4. Programming Languages

As we clarified previously, since PCs don’t utilize dialects that are in any way similar to human dialects, they need an alternate method to convey. Here are the absolute most mainstream programming dialects:

Javascript – utilized by all internet browsers, Meteor, and heaps of different systems

CoffeeScript – a “lingo” of JavaScript. It is seen as less difficult however it changes over once again into JavaScript

Python – utilized by the Django structure just as in most of numerical counts

Ruby – utilized by the Ruby on Rails structure

PHP – utilized by WordPress, Facebook, Wikipedia and other significant locales

Go – more current language worked for speed Swift – Apple’s most up to date programming language

Java – utilized by Android and a ton of work area application.

So we should discuss the most well-known ones of every greater detail.


Web development comes with a huge set of rules and techniques every website developer should know about. If you want a website to look and function as you wish them to, you need to get familiar with web technologies that will help you achieve your goal. Developing an app or a website typically comes down […]

Some Tips to Improve your E-business Store Ranking on Search Engine

Building up another web based shopping site isn’t sufficient to maintain a business effectively in this universe of aggressive worldwide scene. Cutting a specialty among effectively well-put organizations are a major test in itself. Today Search Engine Optimization is a basic piece of any on the web or computerized promoting methodology of a web based business foundation. It requires a ton of activities that incorporate an underlying business sector examination, advancement of site and SEO and so forth.

We should discover the rundown of those stages following which you can expand your site positioning on web indexes.

1. Lead Comprehensive Key Phrase Research

Catchphrase research is the principal and most significant stage for SEO. In light of the organization criticism, Google Trends, Google Auto-complete, including AdWords Keyword Planner you can build up a program of key expressions and watchwords which are usually entered by clients to discover your site.

You ought to likewise direct a contender assessment to comprehend the catchphrases being centered around by contenders through Google and by means of notices.

2. On location Optimization

This is the second step which improves the substance of your online store which can be effectively available and crept by the web crawler bots. This is finished concentrating on information Infrastructure (URLs, heading, labels, sitemaps, items, content space, enhancement of classification segments and a lot more procedures)

You can oversee and streamline your site by making your CMS SEO inviting. This will improve the stacking rate of your site, size of site pages, page titles, meta-titles, headings, alt labels, URLs, picture and item portrayals, and other numerous data for centered key expressions.

3. Improve Website Loading Time

The quick stacking time of the site is significant for the accomplishment of your internet business store. Everybody in this quick moving world wouldn’t like to stand by long for the opening of your site. You may lose numerous potential prospects because of this. Quick stacking time likewise lessens the ricochet pace of your site alongside offering improved client experience. This is particularly basic when you have various pages. To accomplish this objective, you ought to lessen the size of various site components utilizing different improvement systems to get information, and utilizing quicker servers.

4. Evacuate Duplicate Content

On the off chance that you have any copy content on numerous pages as a portion of the items being sold may be comparative more often than not. Regularly more URLs are made in a flash for a similar page at whatever point a purchaser enters an audit. Just to keep away from such copy writings you can utilize robots.txt. This will obstruct those connections and zones that produce copy content from the web search tool bots. You may utilize the authoritative tag to record website pages and no-adhere to guidelines to those connections that contain copy content.

5. Make Different Sources of Traffic

Creating numerous wellsprings of traffic is likewise important. Concentrating on more watchwords through the business site and getting a nice web based business site positioning isn’t constantly doable. This should be possible through the organization’s blog, web based life enhancement, visitor posts, social bookmarking, and so on.

Connection all these outside sources to the on location greeting pages for improved change. For improving the clearance of your business store, create whatever number wellsprings of traffic as could reasonably be expected. You may employ a web showcasing organization from India that is very much aware of the SEO stunts and subtleties to accomplish your target by simply taking a shot at the business site.

6. Improve Domain Authority

To pick up space authority, your substance ought to be of very good quality, useful, and intuitive to share among the intended interest group. You may make recordings, slideshows, information illustrations and numerous different sorts of substance to advance however many assets on top indexed lists as could reasonably be expected for centered watchwords. Advance your substance for watchwords which influences your online site’s positioning. This will likewise keep away from brand cannibalization. Make substance focusing on objective group of spectators and distributing stage at the top of the priority list. Flow and offer these substance via web-based networking media, remarks and talk gathering areas. All the outside hyperlinks created from these assets are the third party referencing process that builds your space authority.

7. Improve Social Media Platforms

Indeed, you ought to likewise improve your Social Media assets which go under the ambit of on location advancement. Focus on numerous related catchphrases of your store through the organization’s online life profiles on Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter, Google+, and so forth. Utilize aggressive catchphrases in the profile portrayal, posts, picture titles, depictions, different board portrayals and pins that you make on Pinterest. Use hashtags to improve content permeability for web search tools and your guests both.

8. Enhance Conversion Channel

You should likewise test the site for ease of use and incredible clients’ understanding. Distinguish the torment point and disadvantages in the change pipe and correct everything to diminish the skip rate. You should find a way to build the normal visit term of the site which consequently will improve deals for your online store.

9. Customary Maintenance and Monitoring

Presently it’s an ideal opportunity to always screen the presentation of your site through Google Analytics and numerous different instruments extraordinarily made for this reason. Watch out for your objective key expressions, points of arrival, outside traffic sources, and so forth to follow varieties and purposes of progress! You ought to likewise watch out for the general traffic of your site and individual pages, per visit length, skip rate and leave proportion and assess it for better and improved advancement procedure.

Building up another web based shopping site isn’t sufficient to maintain a business effectively in this universe of aggressive worldwide scene. Cutting a specialty among effectively well-put organizations are a major test in itself. Today Search Engine Optimization is a basic piece of any on the web or computerized promoting methodology of a web based […]

Cryptographic money and Bitcoin Startup Business Plan

Current occasions require present-day ways to deal with the business and cash making. Beginning up a business is hard, yet who doesn’t go for broke, he doesn’t win. Be that as it may, what is the most critical is there are approaches to build up an extremely fruitful strategy for success. You ought to take after the tenets and the methods and the outcomes won’t trail. Bitcoin business is a cutting-edge gold mine, you just need to burrow as profound as could be allowed. In addition, Bitcoin trade stages turned out to be extremely prominent in the last time frame. What we propose is precisely that. Have a go at building your Bitcoin trade business. In this article, you will discover helpful data and exhortation on the most proficient method to do this startup. Regardless of whether it existed from 2009, Bitcoin hit a genuine cost of 333$ of every 2015, and that is the point at which the madness began. As you most likely definitely know, Bitcoin is held just electronically. Bitcoin trade is a field of purchasing or offering Bitcoins utilizing diverse monetary forms. You can change Bitcoins to dollars, Euros (fiat monetary standards) and altcoins.

Types of Bitcoin businesses

Here are a portion of the new types of Bitcoin organizations. This will just keep on growing in the following time frame.

Wallet services – Wallets reason for existing is to store Bitcoins in one place. Be that as it may, the plain wallet benefits as of now exist. Organizations are presently forming it into an innovation idealization. The administration is enhanced by the capacities, for example, HD security, BIPs32, and improvement to utilize it in the huge associations. In some time, this kind of administration will just show signs of improvement. They will enable the clients to unwind a smidgen, as everything would be automatized

Mining – This is a to a great degree well known action when we discuss Bitcoins. Greatest trade organizations are opening mining pools and work on the propelled arrangements

Smart contracts – This inventive thought depends on the barring the outsiders with regards to understandings and contracts. Out-dated methods for marking an agreement on the paper are going to get supplanted by this innovation. Working with Bitcoins requires some serious energy and a considerable measure of tolerance. Earned cash must be created in one spots and after some time, and that is the primary concern. On the opposite side, the Bitcoin trade stage works in an unexpected way. It can give you a regular schedule pay, contingent upon the movement on your site. When we say movement, it implies exchanges done by the guests. Bitcoin trade locales have a motivation behind interfacing the venders and the purchasers

When you are beginning up a business, you should take into contemplations its reproducibility. You have to ensure that the arrangement has something in it that will start the enthusiasm inside the brokers. Now and then it regards check what the simultaneousness is doing. By finding out about the others’ missteps, you can abstain from making it yourself. Furthermore, the great sides can be connected somewhat to your site moreover. Give them a chance to give you some motivation.

Those simultaneousness locales as of now have numerous customers/brokers and work together extremely well. Try not to give this a chance to disillusion or demoralizes you. They work a great deal longer than you, and it is some way or another intelligent. Make small steps, yet move toward progress. Construct that trade business on stable establishments.

Here you can discover a rundown of the best Bitcoin trade locales. This can be exceptionally valuable for instance of what does your site need to turn into. When propelling a trade strategy for success here are some significant things to know.

1. Security – Sites made for these reasons and in view of Bitcoin are all the time an objective of the programmers or bans. The framework ought to be exceptionally solid and safe, so you would keep the Bitcoins and cash on it. In the event that you skirt the progression about the digital currency security, your startup can be crashed into an extremely imperiled zone. This is something you need to get away.

2. Adaptability – This is an essential component of the Bitcoin business working. As we said before, it differs rapidly. So the thing is, you need to put a highlight on flexibility. Ordinary variances require the quick changes. Dealers will value it.

3. Software – Having the great trade programming is additionally on the rundown of needs.

4. Anonymity – The brokers welcome the secrecy, or as such security, so make sure to guarantee it for them. Additionally, give a client bolster alternative. There will dependably be a few inquiries, about the trade, withdrawal and comparable themes.


Current occasions require present-day ways to deal with the business and cash making. Beginning up a business is hard, yet who doesn’t go for broke, he doesn’t win. Be that as it may, what is the most critical is there are approaches to build up an extremely fruitful strategy for success. You ought to take […]

How Much Does It Cost to Outsource App Development in 2020?

Outsourcing app development is one of the normal ways for new businesses to assemble a versatile application. You can have the best thought yet without a group that is prepared to change your thought into a versatile application, you can’t consider achievement.

On the off chance that you need to dispatch your portable application, you should have additionally contemplated seaward versatile application improvement. As a startup proprietor or a business person, you should be left with questions like:

Where to redistribute application advancement venture?

How to redistribute application advancement to India?

What are the best places to redistribute application advancement?

What will be the cost of re-appropriating application advancement endeavors?

What are the means engaged with re-appropriating application improvement?

Redistributing isn’t something new. It has been there for quite a long time. Be that as it may, the ongoing application insurgency has touched off a startup transformation and more new businesses are propelling their own portable applications in various fragments. The expansion in the quantity of new businesses has likewise developed the interest for re-appropriating application improvement.

In 2019, the re-appropriating industry crossed $90 billion in incomes.

Unmistakably, with regards to redistributing, new companies and organizations are not in the temperament to stop. In any case, shouldn’t something be said about the expenses of redistributing application advancement?

All things considered, in this blog, we will cover a few angles identified with redistributing application improvement to India. Along these lines, we should start.

Why Outsource App Development?

Do you know why everybody inclines toward redistributing their application improvement endeavors to nations like India?

It tends to three significant agony focuses for any startup. This is the motivation behind why new businesses and even Fortune 500 organizations incline toward re-appropriating programming and application improvement to seaward groups.

A. Talented Team

Re-appropriating your application advancement activities permit you to profit by an exceptionally gifted ability pool, which probably won’t be accessible to you inside.

Seaward application improvement organizations have designers with differed ranges of abilities that you can promptly use for application advancement without employing and on-loading up new ability on all day finance.

B. Moderateness

Cost-proficiency is the most unmistakable advantage of redistributing application improvement. At the point when advancement goes seaward, the expenses likewise go down essentially.

C. Better TTM

As you approach an enormous ability pool with the alternative to connect more engineers/ability, you can rapidly design, plan, create and test an application, promising a superior chance to-advertise.

Components Affecting the Cost of Outsourcing App Development

Cost is one of the prime purposes behind redistributing portable application advancement. Much the same as some other business choice, the choice to redistribute accompanies a great deal of inquiries:

By what means will we deal with the redistributed group?

How to pass on the application prerequisites to a distant group dealing with re-appropriated application advancement?

How enormous the group ought to be to make an application improvement venture accomplishment without expanding the cost of re-appropriating application advancement?

You ought to consistently recall that at long last, you redistribute to spare expenses. Here are a portion of the elements that will assist you with watching out for the expense of redistributing application advancement:

Multifaceted nature of the App Features

All things considered, the most importantly factor is the multifaceted nature of the application thought.

The sort of application you need to manufacture, the quantity of highlights and that it is so hard to fabricate will legitimately influence the expense.

Complex highlights require more opportunity for advancement. As the time required increments, so is the expense.

Likewise, the more highlights you need in an application, the more will be the expense of re-appropriating application improvement. Consequently, it is in every case better to finish your application thought alongside the highlights you require before redistributing application advancement.

It is smarter to have a thought previously than to shrink away from the real issue and invest more energy refreshing the application.

Size of the App Development Team

You may know, advancement is certifiably not a ‘one-man work’. Nearly, all the application advancement occurs with an undeniable group of business examiners, UI/UX originators, venture administrators, developers, and analyzers.

In this way, normally, the expense of application improvement would be influenced by the size of the group you pick. The greater your group, the more prominent the expense would be.

Each expert, from a business examiner to QA engineers charge various rates every hour for the work done. In this way, the additional time an expert spends on your thought or application improvement, the more will be your general speculation.

In spite of the fact that it is gainful to have a lean group, however don’t fall into the draw of not having proper assets ready. Neglecting to have an accomplished group can cause your whole venture to go squander.

Hourly Rates of the App Developer

Application engineers for the most part charge constantly. Any application designer you pick in a district would have a standard hourly rate.

Your expense of application improvement would rely upon the hourly paces of the engineers you pick.

A simple method to figure the expense of re-appropriating application advancement is to increase the hourly rate by the all out number of hours your application would be created in.

As said previously, the hourly rates vary from locale to area, which is our next point.

Topographical Region

The district where you redistribute your application improvement exertion would characterize your cost system totally. It essentially is on the grounds that each district has an alternate average cost for basic items and in this way, the hourly paces of advancement vary as well.

In the following portion, how about we see the various areas and the expense of application advancement, thereof.

Redistributing App Development: What Will it Cost you to Outsource to Different Countries?

A. Cost of Outsourcing App Development to the Americas

North America and Oceania are favored by numerous new businesses with regards to application advancement. Redistributing in the Americas is an expensive suggestion however.

The normal hourly rates can be around $100-150 every hour.

An application can take a great many hours to create, in any case so the application improvement cost would come least at $300,000-$500,000 in the event that you are considering redistributing in the Americas.

B. Cost of Outsourcing App Development to Eastern Europe

Eastern Europe is the center point for re-appropriating particularly with regards to application advancement. The main motivation is a direct result of the accessibility of modest ability.

You can discover engineers in Ukraine or other East European nations for an hourly pace of $25-$50 every hour.

In this way, a complex application like Uber or Netflix would cost you anyplace between $150,000-$300,000, practically 50% of what you would be paying in the Americas.

C. Cost of Outsourcing App Development to India

The South-east Asian subcontinent and especially India is one of the most energizing redistributing areas on the planet. Accessibility of high-gifted ability, English talking engineers and responsibility to work are a portion of the elements that pull in new businesses to Indian designers.

On head of the advantages, Indian redistributing organizations and application advancement organizations have lower rates contrasted with their western friends beginning at $20-40 every hour.

Along these lines, you can consider building up an application for anyplace between $60,000-$150,000. The value you pay is route less expensive than something you would be paying in for designers in different locales.

It is suggested that you generally research about the redistributing accomplice and pick somebody with related knowledge of rejuvenating an application thought like yours.

Best App Development Outsourcing Practices for Maximum Return on Investment

Suppose you are wanting to enlist somebody for redistributing application improvement. Here are a few stages you should take for getting the best yield.

A. Earlier Market Research

It is consistently prudent to perform plausibility examination, act top to bottom statistical surveying and get out your prerequisites regarding the highlights before re-appropriating.

Numerous application advancement organizations offer conference with business experts to manage you through the procedure.

B. Clear Documentation

Before giving over an application improvement venture, it is smarter to diagram away from as SMART objectives.

You can even make standard documentation enrolling your necessities to hand over to the far off designers. That would set the correct desires on the two finishes and guarantee you and the distant group are in the same spot.

C. Understanding

Try not to fall into the craving to hand over your startup thought or application idea without entering a conventional understanding.

The understanding should enroll jobs and obligations, NDA conditions, objectives, courses of events, accessibility, and different components. Neglecting to do so can prompt miscommunication and conceivably loss of cash over the long haul.

D. Safety efforts

Indeed, make a point to check the far off group for security readiness. You won’t care for your application thought to fall since potential programmers figured out how to sneak in their frameworks. Additionally, ensure whatever you share with the group is through secure workers.

On the off chance that you have a devoted worker for the application database, likewise set up frameworks for secure far off access. This is significant for the drawn out achievement of your portable application.

We should Kickstart Your Outsourcing Dreams

Redistributing can get very confounding considerably after you have sifted through everything including the expense. In such a case, having a specialist close by can be a serious alleviation.

At ikodes, we have been the favored application advancement accomplice of driving new companies and application organisations on the planet. Our expert business examiners comprehend your prerequisites and offer shape to your thought as a plausible MVP.

In addition, we bolster you from the idea stage to the dispatch of your application. We’ve been doing this for quite a long time and we are prepared to help you in making your fantasy portable application.

Along these lines, begin by booking a meeting with our application improvement advisors, today!

Outsourcing app development is one of the normal ways for new businesses to assemble a versatile application. You can have the best thought yet without a group that is prepared to change your thought into a versatile application, you can’t consider achievement. On the off chance that you need to dispatch your portable application, you […]

How To Managing Up-Selling & Cross Selling in Odoo

Up-Sell and Cross Sell your products for boost in Sales!

Cross promotion is a type of business strategy that will never go out of trend. It is a type of marketing promotion where buyers of a product/service are targeted with promotion of a related product. Such related products can be a similar product with higher quality or an add-on.

Marketing sectors has to work really hard especially these days when businesses are facing issues.

Affect on Businesses

As you all know, amid Covid 19 pandemic time people are suffering from high losses and due to this market is degrading day by day.

Many offline businesses are in huge loss during this pandemic but there are multiple sectors which are booming during this pandemic like IT industry, medical, online sectors(like E-commerce), etc.

Hence, this is the best time when you can switch from offline to online businesses(like switching your physical store to an e-commerce). Moreover, you can make establishment in both worlds i.e online as well as offline.

Earlier, it was not easy to set up an E-Commerce shop because at that time high capital was needed to set it also there were multiple security concerns.

But now multiple powerful as well as affordable E-commerce frameworks are available which are easy to use and come with the major security precautions like Magento, Odoo etc.

Bringing offline stores to light

In the trend of online stores, there are still many people who believe in offline stores. As different marketing strategies in an ecommerce, offline stores also follow some great marketing strategies.

The efforts of marketing team plays a crucial role as they are able to convince customers to buy some products along with a product by addressing their relatability, quality, or with some lucrative offers. Moreover, at the time of billing some billers also keep a few attractive and relatable products, so that they can convince customers to buy them before paying the bill.

These are the marketing concepts which are known as up-selling and cross-selling. However, e-commerce platforms should also look into these concepts for the boost in sales as well as building customer trust. As, your suggestion presents as a positive gesture to your customers that you care for them.

Odoo comes up with multiple marketing concepts includes some other concepts like SEO, Custom Search, related products like up sell and cross sell, etc.

Up Selling

Up Selling is one of the marketing concepts where one can convince the customer to buy the high valued and high marginal products from the same category.

For example a customer visits to buy a laptop with intel i3 processor and 512 GB HDD configuration but at that time you are able convince the customer to buy a laptop with i5 processor and 1TB HDD configuration which gives high value and high margin. Then, such marketing strategy comes under up selling.

Advantages & Disadvantages

Advantage of this strategy is that you get high value and high margin but sometimes can be at a loss due to this. Below mentioned is an example of the use case:

A customer has a budget of 15k but he/she finds some good quality or good feature product as compared to his/her chosen product but that product goes over budget then in that case customer also refuses to buy the chosen product.

Cross Selling

Cross selling is a marketing strategy to buy a complementary like or a relatable product along with your primary product. This strategy helps to add some addon amount to an existing sale that’s why it is also known as attachment selling.

For example a customer is coming to buy a laptop then along with the laptop you can also offer the customer to buy a laptop bag as well with some special price or discount.

Advantages & Disadvantages

Advantage of this strategy is that you can sell extra products along with the product customer intends to buy. Below mentioned is an example of the use case:

A customer came to buy a laptop along with the laptop bag but the customer found the laptop bag costly and that’s why the customer cancel the plan to buy a laptop bag but during checkout he/she found the same bag with 20% discount (as you have added the product for cross selling with without margin). Now customers also bought the laptop bag but due to that you face some marginal losses.

But most of the time cross selling reduces the disadvantages of cross selling.

Odoo is one of the most efficient software to help you manage your business perfectly. Apart from that, it eases marketing strategies for you. You can also use Up-Selling & Cross Selling in Odoo easily.

Up-Selling in Odoo
To setup up-sell product in Odoo you can go through the below path,

Setup in backend:

Navigate to the website and then select the product in which you want up-sell other products. After selecting that product go to the “eCommerce” tab and add the products inside the “Alternative Products” field to enable up-selling for that product in Odoo.

Cross-Selling in Odoo

In Odoo, you can manage cross selling in two ways:

Accessory Products
To setup accessory product in Odoo you can go through the below path,

Setup in backend

Navigate to the website then select the product in which you want to cross sell any product. After selecting that product go to the “eCommerce” tab and add the products inside the “Accessory Products” field.

Optional Products
It is like a complementary product for the customer which helps to add-on some extra amount inside the cart.

To setup accessory product in Odoo you can go through the below path,

Setup In Backend
Navigate to the website then select the product in which you want to add up-selling. After opening that product go to the “Sales” tab and add the products inside the “Optional Products” field.

However, if you are running an offline store in Odoo i.e. Odoo and want to cross sell your products then ikodes has solution for your problem.

Up-Sell and Cross Sell your products for boost in Sales! Cross promotion is a type of business strategy that will never go out of trend. It is a type of marketing promotion where buyers of a product/service are targeted with promotion of a related product. Such related products can be a similar product with higher […]